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4-H Goat Show

Show Barn

Superintendent: Megan Hawkins 189 John Potter Rd West Greenwich RI 02817
Telephone: 401-241-4022
Email: meganhawkins318@yahoo.com
Assistant Superintendent: Charles (CJ) Hawkins

Rules & Regulations


  1. Use the 4-H Livestock form, entries must be in the hands of the Chairman by August 1.
  2. Please include on the entry form the quantity of single or double pens you required
  3. You must note for each animal
    Date of birth & breed
    If it is Dry or Milking
    If it is a Doe (female) or a Wether (castrated male)
    If it is registered as a purebred, recorded grade or not registered.
    If you omit information, you risk being put in the wrong class.


  1. Goats may not enter the Goat Barn before 12pm on Friday.
  2. Arrival is Noon to 8 on Friday.
  3. Animals registrations and health check will occur before they unload.
  4. Pens will be assigned. Space maybe tight and tack may need to be in a separate area.


  1. All 4-H goats will remain on the fairgrounds until 6pm on Sunday.
  2. After unloading all trailers need to be parked in the designated area of the parking lot.
  3. Everyone must clean their own stall and area before leaving on Sunday. No exceptions.


  1. All animals being shown must be owned by the youth or being raised under a management agreement properly filed in the Extension office prior to June 1. Show is open to all enrolled RI 4-H’ers.
  2. This show counts as one of the two required shows for a 4-Her to attend the Eastern States Exposition Dairy Goat Show.
  3. All animals must follow Rhode Island DEM health regulations and have permanent identification as required by RI law. Please consult State Veterinarian’s Office for any questions. Any animal found to have a serious health problem will not be allowed to unload. The show committee reserves the right to reject any animal for health reason.
  4. No horned animals … No bucks. Wethers are accepted in showmanship classes only.
  5. The original certificate of registration is required for all animals 6 months of age or older. The original certificate of registration or a stamped copy is required for all animals under 6 months of age.
  6. There will also be classes for unregistered animals. *Please enter them as Grade*
  7. No more than 2 animals owned by the exhibitor in the same class.
  8. All 4-H entrants will be responsible for a 1 hour shift to work with their animals and talk to the public in a sectioned area of the goat barn, sign up at the registration check in.
  9. All goat milk will be disposed of in the proper bulk tank near the dairy cow milk area. Do not dump milk down the drains.
  10. There will be no entry fee. Premiums will be paid as follows:
    Classes: 1st – $10.00; 2nd – $7.00; 3rd – $6.00; 4th – $3.00
    Showmanship: 1st – $20.00; 2nd – $15.00; 3rd – $10.00; 4th – $5.00
  11. No premiums for fitting classes.
  12. Exhibitors are encouraged to decorate their stalls and each exhibitor will be judged on Herdsmanship according to their ADGA Score Sheet. This will be judged at random times throughout the entire time of the fair.
  13. All exhibitors and families should exhibit good sportsmanship at all times. We want everybody to have a good time!

CLASSES (this is also the show order) starting promptly at 9:30 am


  1. Senior Ages 15,16,17,18 as of January 1
  2. Intermediate Ages 12,13, 14 as of January 1
  3. Junior Ages 8,9,10,11 as of January 1
  4. Novice- Any age first year showing
  5. Cloverbud Ages 5,6,7 as of January 1


  1. Senior Ages 15,16,17,18 as of January 1
  2. Intermediate Ages 12,13, 14 as of January 1
  3. Junior Ages 8,9,10,11 as of January 1
  4. Novice- Any age first year showing
  5. Cloverbud Ages 5,6,7 as of January 1


  1. Classes will be divided by age at discretion of Chairman based on entries.
  2. There will be 5 breed divisions: Recorded grade, AOB, and Grade. The other two classes will be determined by the breeds with the most entries. There will also be class divisions for Junior Does (not in milk), Senior Does (in Milk), Dry Does & Wethers.
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