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Home > Exhibitors > Arts & Crafts Exhibit Building > Canned Goods
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Rules & Regulations

  1. All entries in this section MUST have a recipe or they will not be accepted.
  2. All entries should be on white paper plates when possible.
  3. ALL food entered in this category will be disposed of at the end of the fair. NO FOOD will be allowed to leave the premises.

103200 Canned Goods
103201 Fruit
103202 Jellies
103203 Jams
103204 Vegetables
103205 Pickles
103206 Relishes
103207 Honey or Maple Syrup
103208 Salsa
103300 Candy (6 pieces per plate)
Section 103200 (Canned Goods) type of process and recipes must be submitted and jars must be labeled as to contents and date. Jars will be returned to the exhibitor if these rules are not followed. Also, please include the recipe and written process with your submission.

Judging from Section 103300 (Candy) will be on Appearance, Texture, Flavor.

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