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Safe Tractor Operation

Rules & Regulations

Two wheel manure spreader, one axle steering, 4 wheel wagon, skid steer, and tractor loader operation , tool and parts id , and general knowledge test as per Big E rules. Eligibility: R.I. FFA members must be or have been enrolled in a high school Ag/Ag science program for the current year.

  1. Corresponding Big E score sheets for each of the above areas will be used during contest in evaluating contestants on each piece of equipment.
  2. Contestants must take a 25 question multiple choice tests on safety and tractor operation. A 25 question tool and parts Id must also be completed.
  3. The contestants will drive to the starting line and follow the course outlined by the judge. Time starts on signal from official starting point and stops when contestant returns to this point.
  4. In spotting the tractor and manure spreader, the contestant must come to a stop, set the brakes and put the gear shift in neutral or park and indicate that he is finished spotting.
  5. The contestant will hitch only the 4 wheel wagon. The contestant will backup to the drawbar, dismount the tractor and hitch the wagon. The contestant will make the hitch without moving the wagon forward more than an inch. The contestant will backup to the 2 wheel wagon and tell the judges when to hitch the trailer. At that time the judges will measure distance from the hitch to the trailer as per the scorecard.
  6. The contestant will be allowed 10 minutes for each tractor event. The contestant will be notified at 8 minutes that 2 minutes remain in the contest. If the contestant has not finished the event in ten minutes, they will be stopped by the judge and the 1000 point deduction made.
  7. Contestants will be disqualified if they dismount to observe clearance. Contestants will be allowed to correct their direction in the figure eight portion of the 2 wheel wagon. If they must be alerted to their mistake in direction they will be disqualified.
  8. If a contestant fails to back the spreader within the allotted time, measurements will be taken from the closest point of the spreader to the rear of the stall.
  9. Contestants may be disqualified if they are observed not following safety standards which may endanger themselves or the public.
  10. The tractor loader event will run as per the Big E rules and course setup. Contestants will follow proper safety procedures as they relate to using a tractor with a loader.

Judges decisions are final. Participants should arrive on site 30 minutes prior to the start of the contest for a briefing of the rules and to familiarize themselves with the equipment.
Premiums: 1st-$50.00 2nd -$30.00 3rd– $20.00


Aaron Gathen: 401-932-9981
Kyle Lussier: 401-300-2921

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