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Washington County Fair Daily Schedule
Stage '67
Midway Rides
Games & Contests  >
Annual Tug-O-War
Cornhole Tournament
Arm Wrestling Contest
Kids Games
Adult Games
Queen & Princess Contest
Livestock Pulls
Motor Sports / Truck & Tractor Pulls
Food & Concessions
Military Appreciation Day
Exhibitor Rules
4-H  >
4-H Farm School
4-H Exhibit Hall
4-H Beef Show
4-H Sheep Show
4-H Goat Show
Goat Obstacle Course
Sheep Obstacle Course
Agriculture Exhibit Building  >
Vegetable Exhibits
Junior Vegetable Exhibits
Flower Exhibits
Dahlia Show
Grange Exhibits
Scarecrow Contest
Arts & Crafts Exhibit Building  >
Needlework, Quilts & Rugs
Arts, Crafts & Ceramics  >
Coloring Contest
Baking Contests  >
Baking Contest
Kids Baking (Under 13)
Kids No Bake Contest (under 13)
Canned Goods
Future Farmers (FFA)  >
Safe Tractor Operation
Landscape Exhibits
Woodsman Contest
Dairy Showmanship
Livestock  >
Rabbit Division
Poultry Division
Dairy Shows
Open Sheep Show
Swine (Pig) Show
Beef & Working Steer Shows
Premier Contests & Parade
Livestock Rules
Exhibitor Campers
Online Registration
Commercial Vendor Rules
Prospective Commercial Vendors
Current Food Booths
Food Booth Rules
Prospective Food Vendors
Special Events
Livestock Rules
Livestock Rules
Important 2024 - Poultry Notice - H5N1 Bird Flu
The Washington Country Fair, after consulting with the Rhode Island State Veterinarian, will be having its poultry shows during the Fair! However, no out-of-state birds will be admitted. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Important 2024 - Dairy Notice - H5N1 Bird Flu
The Washington Country Fair, after consulting with the Rhode Island State Veterinarian, will require all exhibitors with lactating dairy cows are required to dump all milk after milking into a designated container per the direction of the Dairy Superintendent. By no means is an exhibitor allowed to dump milk down any drains or the ground. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Livestock General Rules
All exhibitors and their families are expected to demonstrate good sportsmanship and acceptable behavior to other exhibitors and their families, Judges, Fair Committee members, Fair Superintendents, and Fair attendees. Inappropriate or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Should an exhibitor or a member of their family disregard these rules or cause any disruption before, during or after a show, the Fair Committee reserves the right to require the exhibitor to leave the Fairgrounds, forfeiting all prizes and winnings.
Livestock arrival is to occur Tuesday Night starting at 5pm. No animals are to enter the fairground Wednesday Morning.
This does not apply to goats, working steer, animal pulls, or animals brought in for open shows.
At the decision of the Livestock Superintendents, Livestock dismissal is Sunday at 7 PM, with breakdown of exhibits at 6 PM, unless otherwise directed by the Washington County Fair Committee.
This does not apply to sheep, working steer, animal pulls, or animals brought in for open shows.
Sunday dismissal all barns must be cleaned out completely. No bedding cannot be left in the walkways or left near the barns. All bedding must be brought to the proper dump truck and cleared out completely prior to leaving the premises.
Livestock exhibitors are not to block the public's view of their animals during the Fair. Tents, canopies, large benches, tables, or other items which can obstruct the view of exhibitor displays are
allowed to be set up outside of the barns.
All livestock bracelets must be worn on wrists at all times. Bracelets that slip off or are too loose will be confiscated.
Prize money will be forfeited for any livestock exhibitor if animals are removed prior to the dismissal, as indicated above, on the Sunday of fair.
In all classes in all departments (i.e. Livestock, FFA, animal pulls, etc.) where there is no competition, first, (1st) premium may be awarded but only second (2nd) money paid.
No person will be allowed to interfere with the judges while performing their duties and any person so interfering will be excluded from competition. Competent judges will be employed to judge all exhibits and contests.
Judges are required to be on a minimum three year rotation from judging a contest. Judges are to be submitted to the fair committee one month prior to the start of the fair.
No person will be allowed in the ring(s) during competition unless they are wearing approved identification.
Each animal entered will be judged according to its merit per the judging criteria. All decisions made by the judges are final.
Competition at the Washington County Fair is open to all except for the Queen Contest.
No Commercial Exhibitors will be allowed on the grounds unless permission is secured from the Fair Committee.
All animals, poultry, etc. must be free of disease and conform to all State and local health regulations. Please review State regulation following these rules.
All persons with animals except rabbits and poultry are responsible for the proper watering, feeding and grooming of their exhibit and general appearance of their allocated space.
No additional electrical lighting (i.e. string lights, lamps, etc.) may be used in livestock exhibits.
Stock trailers will not be allowed to remain on the Fairgrounds during the Fair, but must be relegated to the designated stock trailer parking area.
Due to liability of the Richmond electrical permit process any and all electrical work needed to be done at the fairgrounds will be done by the Washington County Fair’s electrician(s) only.
No one will be permitted to remain on the fairgrounds overnight unless designated by the Fair Committee. This applies to all CAMPERS! All campers and tents must fill out all proper paperwork with the camping official. Any camper that does not have the proper paperwork filled out or does not comply with the rules will be asked to vacate the premises. Any minor must have written parental consent on file with the camping official.
If livestock exhibitors are camping at the Fairgrounds, no pets will be allowed in the camping area.
Campers cannot run generators between 11pm – 7am during their stay at the fair.
Livestock exhibitors will be disqualified if rules and regulations are not followed or may lead to probation and potentially expulsion from future fairs at the discretion of the Fair Committee.
Livestock Parking Rules
Livestock Parking is a courtesy and a privilege offered to Livestock Exhibitors by the Washington County Fair.
All livestock parking passes must be adhered to the driver side windshield. Any parking pass that is not adhered to the window will be confiscated. All vehicles must obey all directions from parking attendants and Washington County Fair Staff.
At least one cell phone number MUST be on file with the Livestock Office and Washington County Fair Main Office for each Livestock Pass distributed.
Please ensure to park in designated Livestock Parking. Livestock should not be parking in roped off areas, Pit Crew Parking, etc.
Various events are held through out the Fair that use the Livestock Parking area to stage for the event (i.e. various pulls, open shows, etc.). Any exhibitors with Livestock Parking Pass are to not park in any roped off areas within the parking lot. In the event your vehicle is to be found within an undesignated area, a courtesy call will be made to the cell phone on file to ask for the removal of the vehicle. After that phone call if the car is not moved within an accepted period of time, the vehicle will be towed at the owners expense.
Due to issues in the past, the Washington County Fair is implementing a three (3) strike policy starting in 2024 regarding Livestock Parking Passes. If in the event an exhibitor or family member is not adhering to the rules or direction of parking attendants/Fair Staff the following will occur:
Written warning issued by the Washington County Fair Office (warnings do not get erase after a Fair)
Revocation of parking pass for the remaining of the current Fair
Permanent revocation of Livestock Parking Past for current and future Fairs.
If you are camping within a camper at the Fair, your vehicle should be parked by your camper and not within the Livestock Parking Lot.
All Livestock Parking Exhibitors MUST FOLLOW all directions of parking attendants and Fair Staff within the Parking Lot. During busy time of the Fair (i.e. Nights/Weekends) ALL TRAFFIC MUST go to the back of the parking lot. This does not mean you will park in the back of the lot it is to ensure traffic is moving and you will be turned around to head back to the Livestock Parking.
Livestock exhibitors will be disqualified if rules and regulations are not followed or may lead to probation and potentially expulsion from future fairs at the discretion of the Fair Committee.
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