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  1. All entries must be completed on-line.
  2. All animals must be in good health and free from disease.
  3. Limit 10 rabbits per exhibitor.
  4. All entries must state – Open or Youth (youth ages 5-18 years old), breed of animal (or pet class), variety (or color) and class (Sr. Buck or Doe, Jr. Buck or Doe). If you have any questions, please call the superintendent.
  5. There will be classes for mixed breed, pet stock as well as purebred.
  6. Entry fee is $.75 each in Open Show, $.25 each for the Youth Show.
  7. Exhibitors may enter only one show; please state Open Show or Youth Show.
  8. All animals must be brought to the Fair on Tuesday between 5pm and 9pm. Animals will be released at 6:30pm on Sunday. Although rare, the release time is subject to change so please be understanding. Exhibitors need to be there at this time.
  9. A pass will be given to each exhibitor entering three or more animals only, see Superintendent.
  10. Animals will be cared for by experienced volunteers. All animals exhibited will be at the sole risk of the owner.
  11. Out-of-state animals will be accepted on space availability basis.
  12. No changing or substitution at coop-in.


Temporary Superintendent: Carol Rathbun

Open Rabbit Show

  1. Cages and feed are provided.
  2. Judging will be on Wednesday. Exhibitors do not have to be present for judging.
  3. Judging of purebreds will be by the ARBA Standard of Perfection. There will also be classes for mixed bred pet stock. (Please state Sr.Buck or Doe or Jr. Buck or Doe, Breed and variety -color).
  4. $.75 each entry fee.

Class Description
For purebreds the classes will be: Sr. Buck, Sr. Doe, Jr. Buck, Jr. Doe, Breed and variety (color). Please state class on Entry.
Classes will be judged by breed. Pet classes will be grouped accordingly.

Rabbit Breeds
Lop Ear Breeds: American Fuzzy Lop, English, French, Holland, Mini
Meat Breeds: Chinchilla (Standard), Commercial, Sable, Silver, Silver Martin, Florida, American, Beveren, Californian, Champaigne D'Argent, Cinnamon, Creme D'Argent, Chinchilla (American), Hotot, Lop (French, English), New Zealand, Palomino, Rex, Satin, Silver Fox, Havana, Harlequin, Lilac, Siamese, Checkered Giant, Chinchilla (Giant), Flemish Giant
Mini/Dwarf Breeds: Dutch, Dwarf Hotot, English Spot, White, Himalayan, Jersey, Wooly, Mini Rex, Netherland, Dwarf, Polish, Britannia Petite, Tan, Belgium Hares, Lionheads, Mini Satins (Satinette)
Wool & Fur Breeds: American Fuzzy Lop, Angora, Jersey Wolly, Rex, Satin
Pet Breeds: Any requirement not listed above

If you have any questions about the ability to show an animal, contact the Superintendent.

1st-$5.00; 2nd-$4.00; 3rd-$3.00
Prize for Show Champion
Rosette for Reserve Show Champion
Rosettes: Best and Reserve Champion Pet Class
Ribbons given for First, Second and Third place.

Youth Rabbit Shows

Open to all Youth 5-18 years of age as of January 1st of year of fair.

1. $.25 each entry fee.
2. Judging by the Danish system.
3. Same awards as the Open Show.

Rabbit Showmanship

Please sign up online for showmanship if you think you may participate in it. We can always cancel you from the list if you decide not to do it but we may not be able to add you to the list once the entries are closed!

To be fair to all showmen and the time they have spent with their projects, the judging take time. Please be aware that participants may be in the ring or waiting to enter the ring for an extended period of time. We understand that some of you may show multiple species. If there is going to be a conflict with poultry and/or rabbit showmanship, please come see me and we will try to squeeze you in between your other shows.

-Novice (Any age under 18; First year showing)

-Freshman (age 5-9)
-Junior (age 10-11)
-Intermediate (age 12-14)
-Senior (age 15-18)

Showmanship Rosette for First, Second, Third and Fourth in each class. Participant ribbons for all who compete. Prize for Grand Champion Showman, Rosette for Reserve Champion Showman

Bunny Race

Time: Friday at 10:00am
Venue: Show Barn

  1. Sign up in the barn at coop-in on Tuesday.
  2. Team of 2 youth – ages 5-18 years.
  3. Entries on a first come, first serve basis due to limited time and space.
  4. All animals must be in good health or will not be accepted.
  5. Must be able to handle and control the rabbit.
  6. No touching the rabbit at any time when racing begins.
  7. Rabbits must be entered in the show
Awards: Rosette for 1st and 2nd place. Ribbons awarded at end of race.
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