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Home > Exhibitors > Livestock > Swine (Pig) Show



Time: Friday at 6:30PM
Show Barn
Arrival: By 8:00 P.M., Tuesday
Swine Weigh-In: At discretion of superintendents
Knowledge Test: Wednesday (Show Barn Area)

  1. The Swine Show is open to youth age 5 to 18 as of January 1st. They must have proof of ownership of the hogs by June 1st. Exhibitor should bring this proof of purchase to the fair for viewing by the superintendent if necessary. Hogs are to be born after January 1st of current year. Hogs must weigh at least 100 pounds (including Pee-Wee hogs). Hogs are to be born January 1st and after of the current year. Hogs will be weighed in by the superintendent or assistant superintendent(s). All purebred gilts must be registered and registration papers are to be available to the superintendents upon arrival. Any purebreds without registration papers will automatically go in the crossbred gilt class. All exhibitors must pen their own hogs or be there to help pen their hogs upon arrival.
  2. All hogs must be pre-entered through online registration (see link below) by August 1st - no exceptions will be allowed.
  3. For the open dairy, beef, sheep, goat and swine shows where there is no competition, first, (1st) premium may be awarded but only second (2nd) money paid.
  4. Pens will be assigned by the superintendent or assistant superintendent(s). Bedding will be provided by the fair. All hogs will be required to remain on the fairgrounds for display until the release of other animals or premium money will be forfeited. All pens are to be cleaned out at the end of the fair. Pens and area should be clean and presentable to the public at all times. All show persons must wear proper show clothing (no sneakers or sandals allowed).


Superintendent: Carol Rathbun

Asst. Superintendents: Wendy Tavares & Madison Rathbun
239 Plain Road, West Greenwich, RI 02817

Class Descriptions

Market Hogs (Minimum Weight 100lbs)

  • 100 lbs. – 125 lbs.
  • 126 lbs. – 150 lbs.
  • 151 lbs. – 175 lbs.
  • 176 lbs. – 200 lbs.
  • 201 lbs. – 225 lbs.
  • 226 lbs. – 250 lbs.
  • 251 lbs. – 275 lbs.
  • Over 275 lbs.
  • Champion Market Hog

Breeding Gilts (Minimum Weight 100lbs)

  • January Purebred Breeding Gilt
  • February Purebred Breeding Gilt
  • March Purebred Breeding Gilt
  • April Purebred Breeding Gilt
  • Champion Purebred Breeding Gilt
  • January Crossbred Breeding Gilt
  • February Crossbred Breeding Gilt
  • March Crossbred Breeding Gilt
  • April Crossbred Breeding Gilt
  • Champion Crossbred Breeding Gilt
  • Champion Overall Breeding Gilt
  • Youth General Knowledge Test (ages 5-9)
  • Youth General Knowledge Test (ages 10-14)
  • Youth General Knowledge Test (ages 15-18)
  • Pee-Wee Fitting Class (ages 5 to 6)
  • Pee-Wee Showmanship Class (ages 5 to 6)
  • Freshman Fitting Class (ages 7-9)
  • Freshman Showmanship Class (ages 7-9)
  • Junior Fitting Class (ages 10-12)
  • Junior Showmanship Class (ages 10-12)
  • Intermediate Fitting Class (ages 13-15)
  • Intermediate Showmanship Class ( ages 13-15)
  • Senior Fitting Class (ages 16-18)
  • Senior Showmanship Class (ages 16-18)
  • Champion Fitting and Showmanship Class
Some of the classes may be combined to suit the numbers of hogs.


Premiums: 1st – $20.00; 2nd – $15.00; 3rd – $10.00; 4th – $7.00; 5th – $5.00
Showmanship: 1st – $20.00; 2nd – $15.00; 3rd – $10.00; 4th – $5.00

Swine Obstacle Course

Time: Wednesday at 6:00PM
Show Barn

Rules & Regulations

  1. Must be swine exhibitor and owner.
  2. Sign up is required.
  3. Swine must be handled in a humane way.

Obstacle course will consist of a minimum of 5 stations. Will be a timed event and scored by points. Some of the classes may be combined to suit the number of hogs.

• Freshman (5 – 9)
• Junior (10 – 12)
• Intermediate (13 – 15)
• Senior (16 – 18)

Premiums: 1st – $30.00; 2nd – $25.00; 3rd – $20.00; 4th – $15.00; 5th – $10.00


Superintendent Carol Rathbun
239 Plain Road, West Greenwich, RI

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