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Fair Info
History Of The Fair
Fair Committee
Hours and Parking
Ticket Prices
Fair Map
Fair Rules & Policies
Lodging & Campers
Washington County Fair Daily Schedule
Stage '67
Midway Rides
Games & Contests  >
Annual Tug-O-War
Cornhole Tournament
Arm Wrestling Contest
Kids Games
Adult Games
Queen & Princess Contest
Livestock Pulls
Motor Sports / Truck & Tractor Pulls
Food & Concessions
Military Appreciation Day
Exhibitor Rules
4-H  >
4-H Farm School
4-H Exhibit Hall
4-H Beef Show
4-H Sheep Show
4-H Goat Show
Goat Obstacle Course
Sheep Obstacle Course
Agriculture Exhibit Building  >
Vegetable Exhibits
Junior Vegetable Exhibits
Flower Exhibits
Dahlia Show
Grange Exhibits
Scarecrow Contest
Arts & Crafts Exhibit Building  >
Needlework, Quilts & Rugs
Arts, Crafts & Ceramics  >
Coloring Contest
Baking Contests  >
Baking Contest
Kids Baking (Under 13)
Kids No Bake Contest (under 13)
Canned Goods
Future Farmers (FFA)  >
Safe Tractor Operation
Landscape Exhibits
Woodsman Contest
Dairy Showmanship
Livestock  >
Rabbit Division
Poultry Division
Dairy Shows
Open Sheep Show
Swine (Pig) Show
Beef & Working Steer Shows
Premier Contests & Parade
Livestock Rules
Exhibitor Campers
Online Registration
Commercial Vendor Rules
Prospective Commercial Vendors
Current Food Booths
Food Booth Rules
Prospective Food Vendors
Special Events
Food Booth Rules
All food concessionaires must send a copy of their insurance policy and their food license (NON-PROFIT) prior to the start or fair. Your food license must be renewed every year. The Certificate of Liability, including product liability, naming the Washington County Fair as an additional insurer, must be provided before August 1 of that year. The minimum coverage must be $1,000,000. You may choose to be added to the Fair's insurance at a cost of $100.00.
All Food Vendors must fill out the Food Vendor Application in order to be Food Vendor for the current year's event. Failure to fill out the application or adhere to the the rules will cause the Washington County Fair to move to the "waitlist" for another potential vendor.
All concession will be emailed times when they are able to check in/pick up vendor packets.
Due to health department requirements, all ice must be purchased through the Pomona Kitchen. No ice can be brought onto the fairgrounds from any other vendor.
Each food booth will be allowed one (1) protected item which will be listed on the contract.
All items sold at said food concession booth shall be listed on the contract and subject to committee approval.
All food is to be cooked on site as per the health department regulations.
All food concession booths will be given 35 free passes; the next 65 passes will be sold at ½ price, and any passes after that will be sold at advanced ticket prices. These tickets are for
When driving onto the fairgrounds during the five days of fair, a ticket
be presented at the concession gate for all passengers in the vehicle except the driver. The driver
present a ticket when re-entering the fair after removing their vehicle.
All vehicles are to be removed from the fairgrounds by 10 AM during operation. No vehicles will be allowed to enter the fairgrounds after 930 AM.
Propane tanks shall be secured to the booth, and
be turned off at the end of the fair.
any food concession booth is sold to another non-profit organization, you must receive prior written approval from the fair committee. Menus are non-transferable.
If another organization is going to run your booth with you or for you, you
inform the fair committee of your intentions and get prior approval before a transaction can take place. There is no sub-leasing allowed. Menus are non-transferable to another organization.
Due to liability of the Richmond electrical permit process any and all electrical work needed to be done at the food booth will be done by the Washington County Fair’s electrician(s) only. Please let the electrician know at least two months prior to the start of the fair.
Due to liability of the Richmond mechanical permit process any and all propane supplied and work needed to be done at the food booth will be done by the Washington County Fair’s propane technician(s) only. Please let the company know at least two months prior to the start of the fair.
All building, plumbing, mechanical, and electrical permits (i.e. construction or changes) associated with your food booth must be applied for by June 1 of each year to the Town of Richmond. All permits are to be submitted through the state's e-permitting system called view point. All permits applied for, must be accompanied with a registered professional for their trade with the State of Rhode Island.
Inspections will be required to be completed by the Town of Richmond by August 1 every year for food booths with open permits. This inspection does not include the Department of Health, Carolina Fire Department, and Town of Richmond that occurs the week of the fair.
additions or alterations to the food booth without prior
approval of the fair committee.
The disposal of all non operating appliances will be the food booth’s responsibility and expense.
All outside refrigerators are to be lockable, and must be secured for the night.
electric hot water heaters are allowed. New electrical equipment must be submitted for approval by the fair committee and electrician.
fryolator oil removal is the responsibility of the food booth. First time any oil left at the fairgrounds two weeks following the fair will be disposed of by the fair committee at the cost of the food booth. Second time oil is left, expenses will double. Third time oil is left disciplinary action may be taken by the fair committee.
All food concession booths must provide a key to the booth to the fair committee.
Food booths must stay open until 10 PM except for Sunday at which time you may close at 8PM.
For safety purposes all beverages sold at said food concession booth must be sold in cups (paper, plastic, or Styrofoam) or plastic bottles only. No beverages sold in cans or glass bottles are allowed.
Communication about when power, water, and propane are turned on will be communicated to all food booths on an annual basis.
All food concessionaire agrees to adhere to these rules and the general rules of the fair.
No disposing of water waste, food waste, cooking liquids, etc. on the grounds outside of booths. Waste must be dispose of properly.
Adherence to state and local laws, regulations, and ordinances are at responsibility and cost of the food booth concessionaires.
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