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Fair Info
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History Of The Fair
Fair Rules & Policies
Fair Committee
Washington County Fair Daily Schedule
Stage '67
Midway Rides
Games & Contests  >
Annual Tug-O-War
Cornhole Tournament
Arm Wrestling Contest
Kids Games
Adult Games
Queen & Princess Contest
Livestock Pulls
Motor Sports / Truck & Tractor Pulls
Food & Concessions
Military Appreciation Day
Exhibitor Rules
4-H  >
4-H Farm School
4-H Exhibit Hall
4-H Beef Show
4-H Sheep Show
4-H Goat Show
Goat Obstacle Course
Sheep Obstacle Course
Agriculture Exhibit Building  >
Vegetable Exhibits
Junior Vegetable Exhibits
Flower Exhibits
Dahlia Show
Grange Exhibits
Scarecrow Contest
Arts & Crafts Exhibit Building  >
Needlework, Quilts & Rugs
Arts, Crafts & Ceramics  >
Coloring Contest
Baking Contests  >
Baking Contest
Kids Baking (Under 13)
Kids No Bake Contest (under 13)
Canned Goods
Future Farmers (FFA)  >
Safe Tractor Operation
Landscape Exhibits
Woodsman Contest
Dairy Showmanship
Livestock  >
Rabbit Division
Poultry Division
Dairy Shows
Open Sheep Show
Swine (Pig) Show
Beef & Working Steer Shows
Premier Contests & Parade
Livestock Rules
Exhibitor Campers
Online Registration
Commercial Vendor Rules
Prospective Commercial Vendors
Current Food Booths
Food Booth Rules
Prospective Food Vendors
Commercial Vendor Rules
All concessionaires will be able to check in and set up their allotted spaces the Sunday prior to the start of fair.
All vendors must fill out an online vendor application in order to participate in the Fair by the due date. Failure to fill out the application by the due date will have the application move to the vendors on their waiting list.
All applications are for a one year period and do not guarantee vendors a spot to participate in future fairs.
Once the application has been accepted, an invoice will be sent to the vendor. The deposit listed of on the invoice must be paid within 30 days of issuance in order to reserve the space. Failure to pay by the due date will result in the forfeiting of the space and the Fair will move on the next vendor in the waiting list.
All vendors must be set up prior to the opening of fair at 10AM on Wednesday. If the space is not occupied by this time, it will be re-rented and no deposit will be refunded.
All products sold must be suitable for all ages of fairgoers. The fair reserves the right to require that unsuitable products be removed at any time during the fair. Failure to comply with this requirement may lead to the vendor being removed.
All concessionaires shall receive their allotted complimentary tickets before the fair. These
be presented at the gate during the fair in order to be admitted to the grounds .All other persons working in concession booths must have a ticket to get in the gate or they will have to purchase one.
Fifteen 1-day complimentary passes will be received for every vendor regardless of booth size.
When entering the gate with a vehicle during the fair, the driver will be allowed to enter without a pass as they will present one when re-entering after removing the vehicle from the grounds. All passengers must present ticket when vehicle enters fairgrounds.
All vehicles must be off the fair grounds before 10AM and no vehicle will be allowed on the grounds starting at 9:30AM.There will be no exceptions.
Vendor parking is very limited first come first serve.
Inside spaces will open at 10AM and close at 10PM.
Outdoor spaces will open at 10AM and close no earlier than 10PM.
ALL concessions must provide a certificate of liability insurance including product liability naming the Washington County Fair as an additional name insured, or be added to the fair’s insurance at a cost of $100.00. Minimum coverage required shall be $1,000,000.
All items you are planning to sell must be listed on your application, if there are additional items for sale, the Washington County Fair has the right to ask you to remove the items that are not listed on your application or found to be inappropriate by the Washington County Fair Committee.
Raffles are
allowed on the fairgrounds, unless you have written approval from the Washington County Fair Committee, and the appropriate paperwork from the State of
Rhode Island
All electrical lighting must be guarded.
All tents must be flame retardant. A certificate of flammability sewn into the fabric of the tent is required, per the Rhode Island Fire Marshall.
No alcohol is permitted on the fair grounds.
No glass bottles or containers are permitted.
The area that is roped of for vendor parking is not to be tampered with in any way. If we find that the area has been tampered with, the responsible party will risk expulsion from the fairgrounds.
Subletting of vendor spaces is not allowed.
All Rules, and Fair Committee/Staff Directions, must be complied or you risk expulsion.
Vendors must stay within the limits of their booth. Vendors are not allowed to solicit patrons outside of their booth.
Vendors whose booths are inside are not allowed to drive into any buildings for any reasons.
Load Out instructions will be provided to vendors at fair and are subject to change. Vendors are welcome to come back on the Monday after the fair to break down any booths. It is important that all load out instructions are adhered to from Fair Committee/Staff to avoid congestion in areas of the fair.
All other rules of the Washington County Fair also apply to vendors.
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